Interesting message last night. It's amazing how your perspective changes when you start seeing God as a daddy before an omnipotent. I know the message spoke to me. My only goal was for every person who heard that message last night to wake up this morning and say what Rylie says to me every morning..."morning daddy". I know to some it sounds cheesy but if you catch the revelation that is God as father you will no doubt see it as anything but cheesy.
I feel like I'm doing what I was created to do. It is an honor for me to get to share the revelation God has given me every Tuesday night with a captive audience of peers. This is my dream job. Not just being at Gateway but really even better than that is the fact that God is using me and is speaking something so clearly that he wants me to give away.
I don't know how significant of a message last night was for anyone there but it was very significant to me. II do think after last night's message that there are a few more people who see God in a whole new way. That's amazing. That's revelational. It's God. If you don't attend Seven on Tuesday nights you may enjoy the video podcast. You can go to iTunes and search Gateway Seven and you'll find the message titled Off Topic 10/30/07. The message will be up sometime tomorrow. Enjoy.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by Preston Morrison at 2:16 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
It's official. I am excited again. I am excited about where Seven is going. I am excited to be doing what I am doing right now. This is what I was created to do. It's not that I ever lost excitement over Seven it's just that the past two series have been really very personally challenging for me. Last Tuesday was a return to normalcy and the past week seemed more like a typical week when we first started Seven...full of flow and revelation. This is my dream job. I am grateful. But I'm really grateful to be back delivering the burden that God has given my to deliver. Love it. This is how my life was meant to be lived. Can't wait to speak tomorrow night. Gonna be a great curveball. Gonna use Rylie the entire message up on the stage if I can get her to stay up there with me. It's been several months since I felt this way but tonight I go to bed thinking God is about to blow up what is happening at Seven. Sign me up. I'm in.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:36 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Consistency Please
If you want a lesson in how important consistency is, have a baby. Having children has taught me more about the value of consistency than any other situation, relationship, or responsibility. It's tough. I don't know how you feel about discipline but Holly and I believe it is our God-given responsibility to lead our children through offering wisdom to them, making decisions for them while they are young, providing for them, loving them, and disciplining them. But it's tough. Sometimes it is just so easy to "let it go". Sometimes I want to. Especially if I just spanked one of them or they got in trouble. But right is right and I take my responsibility to father my three children with the utmost of seriousness. One of the greatest lessons I have learned is that when I am not consistent with my love and my discipline that it confuses my kids. They expect consistency...even if I'm wrong sometimes...they expect me to be consistent. I owe it to them...even if I'm tired and don't want to...I owe it to my kids to be consistent. And consistent I will do my best to be.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 8:27 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pure Sadness
This morning I played in our flag football game and experienced a very sad realization...
I am not the athlete I was when I was 20. It hurts me to even type it let alone to admit it.
Now ten years after my college intramurals (which I overwhelmingly dominated, don't bother asking anyone else, just ask me) I am faced with trying not to get "too" competitive since my mind and my body work at two very different speeds.
Let's just say my mind says "Preston you run like a cheetah and swim like the salmon of Capistrano" and my body says "Preston you run like your grandmama and swim like an anchor".
It was funny this morning. I was pretty riled up in the first couple of minutes but after the first few series I quickly came to the realization that it just wasn't going to happen.
I am flying the black flag today mourning the slow death of my once upon a time athletic prowess.
Who would have ever thought it? I am a shell of my former self.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 6:11 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Soon Enough
Have you ever wanted something really badly? How quickly did you want it?
I think we all have things we want that we don't have...maybe it's a possession, a request fulfilled, a job, a spouse, a friend, matter what it is my bet is that the longer you waited the faster you wanted it to be put in your lap.
Here's a great example.
Last year I saw a deer that was huge. I really wanted him on my wall. I hunted him like crazy all season last year. I was at the lease nearly every week last season. Spent a fortune in gas and food money but I was convinced if I hunted hard enough that I would get a shot at him. Saw him once up close but was caught in a situation where it would have been an unethical shot. I passed.
Then this year I wasn't really thinking I would hunt for him. I sort of gave up on that one. But he somehow walked in to my feeder now he is on his way to full-time residence on my wall.
That's how God is. I want it now and He wants me to wait til it's time. If I would have taken matters into my own hands last year that same deer would be 20% smaller than it was this year.
I was at the lease this week and and the Lord was reminding me of this. When I wait in His timing it always works out in my favor...ALWAYS.
You may be asking the Lord for something and you feel like he is saying no...obviously I do not know your situation but I do know this...that many times when I think God is saying no he is actually saying not yet.
Not yet is not No. Wait. It'll happen soon enough.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 6:24 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Much Better
Feeling pretty good about tonight's service. Much closer to our "normal". I think a lot of people could tell a difference between tonight and the past couple of months. We're gonna get our groove back. Most people would say we never lost it. But I have pretty high expectations.
Worship was really good tonight. Really good.
The message was good. It's been a while since I felt that good. I'm grateful that I have the opportunity I have for the Lord to use me at could be anybody.
Rylie and I went to Seven together without Holly and the boys (they're sick) and we cranked High School Musical 2 music the whole way was a moment...she was so excited...she said "Daddy, I love spemding time with you". There is no where I would have rather been at that moment.
Tonight, I am celebrating. Thank you Lord.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:36 PM
Why is it that when we read Ecclesiastes where it says "enjoy the fruit of your labor" that we think that is somehow not spiritual? That's ridiculous. As a father I want my kids to enjoy every blessing they are given the privilege of receiving. It would be stupid if every time I gave my children a blessing that they looked over their shoulder at me to see if I thought they were "overcelebrating". That's what we do though. We think we're gonna get struck by lightning if we celebrate too much. Celebrating too much is not bragging. Bragging is something totally different. Bragging exposes something deep in the heart. Celebrating is the height of gratitude. Think about this...when I see my children celebrating what I give them...I have the same reaction every time...I WANT TO GIVE THEM MORE.
Celebrate. Enjoy.
"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, WHO GIVES US RICHLY ALL THINGS TO ENJOY" 1 Timothy 6:17
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:59 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
I have a lot of blogs I keep up with many of which are from senior pastors all over the country. It has seemed for some time now that there is a "see who can be cuter" contest going on. Let me explain. It seems as though all of these churches (which are some of the fastest growing in the US) are trying to outdo the others by coming up with the flashiest ideas and gimmicks.
First, let me say that for the first 5 or 6 years of my time in ministry I was deadset on having the best gimmicks around. My gimiicks would convince you to come to church. But once I got you there there was not much meat to keep you there. There was nothing to eat. And I got stuck in the trap of trying to outdo the last gimmick I created. Tough to say the least.
Then we started Seven. I went to the other side of the scale. I was all about feeding and cared nothing about the gimmicks, the lights, atmosphere, production, all of it. I felt like we were feeding and people were eating and it didn't matter what the room looked like.
As I've said before, Seven has been full of "teachable moments". I am learning a lot about the dynamics of church and my generation, what works, what doesn't work, what's hard, what's easy, what's funny, what's stupid, what draws, what doesn't draw. The past two series have not had the life that I have normally set out to offer. It was a learning experience to the nth degree. It's funny how the Lord is always trying to get my attention to teach me something. I love it. But it doesn't come without a little frustration.
There has to be a balance. My goal in life is to reach as many people as I can with every resource that I can to teach every person that I can to reach every person that they can with the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ.
He was creative. Actually He was so creative that he is the Creator. But he always, always, always no matter how creative the illustration or gimmick was, gave away the meat. ALWAYS.
We think that lost people are impressed with the gimmicks. I don't think that is true. Gimmicks get them there but what impresses them is meat...that somebody gave them something to chew think about. You know who get's stuck on the gimmicks? Church people. Who always talked and murmered most about Christs' message? The religious ones.
So here's what I think...the gimmicks help people in church keep it fresh. It may inspire them to find something new with God. Gimmicks may keep lost people coming in the door but it is the meat that keeps them coming through the door. I want both, I do. But I want the meat. I don't want to be so cute that it distracts from what the Lord is trying to say. But I also don't want to be so meaty that it doesn't inspire people to be creative and innovative in their relationship with the Lord.
It's a balance I guess I will spend the rest of my life in ministry trying to keep tight. Eat up.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:00 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Real Quick
Deer scores 175 2/8.
The ultimate man is not so ultimate...M&M bag throwing and frisbee contest? I am no longer ultimate if that's what ultimate is.
If Kobe comes to the Mavs I will never cheer for the Mavs ever again.
The BCS standings are a joke. South Florida is not even a top 25 team. Rutgers?
Atta Boy Joe Torre. Steinbrenner doesn't deserve him.
Everyone and their dog is headed to the lease this weekend. Pictures of my deer have everyone going bananas.
It's rough when my kids are sick. Especially the babies. Holly is a champ.
It's now 2:28a and this post as had many distractions.
Can grace go too far?
I love Vegas.
30 is creeping my direction.
Who will coach the Ags next year?
My eyes are burning. Seacrest out.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:53 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Not Just Obedience
I'm learning a lot about obedience and submission lately. You know where God says that he desires obedience more than sacrifice? Isn't that a little ironic? Isn't obedience a sacrifice? It is to me. I can't think of many times in my life where obedience was not a sacrifice. And not just that but obedience turns the corner to submission and it really gets difficult. You'll take some hits. Here are some thoughts on submission...
Submission doesn't explain, it just submits.
Submission doesn't care what anyone thinks, it just submits.
Submission protects and prefers.
Submission doesn't need answers just obedience.
Submission is a part of God's process. Submission to God's authority and man's authority.
I have learned this over the last few years...I win when I submit and obey. But I am learning that there is an entirely greater level of submission and's called carrying a burden. This is where I am working the most. I am asking the Lord to give me a greater burden for the people I serve and answer to. I don't want to submit out of simple obedience. I want to submit because I carry such a burden for them that it pushes me to my knees with the overwhelming desire to serve from the seat of submission.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:48 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
This Just In
Bestbuy is no longer selling analog TVs. It's the end of an era.
Apple's iPhone will be ready for third-party applications by February.
New York is now host to a life size chocolate sculpture of Jesus. Wow.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:35 PM
Take a Day
Take today and take every person you care about in your life, one at a time, and think about how much different your life would look if they were not in it. It's a great exercise. It will no doubt remind you of how special each person is around and you and even more than that give you a much greater appreciation for them.
Then tell them. Or at least tell God and thank him for them.
Your life is deficient without the people around you. You experience only a fragment of what life is meant to be without those you care about.
Today is one of those days where I can't really articulate how grateful I am to the Lord...all I can seem to say is "You're just so good." He is.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:11 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
All Over the Map Quick Hits
Holly brought the kids up to the office yesterday. I love my kids. I'm so proud of them. I'm so grateful.
I have been thinking a lot about Holly's mom being healed lately. I have been asking the Lord more than ever for him to heal her. He can do it. I want him to. Not just for my wife, for my children as well.
I haven't been this excited about a series for as long as I can remember. I can't wait to start the Gross Income series.
I am amazed at how the Lord has surrounded me with such incredible people. I don't think He's planning on building a chicken coup.
I was telling the Lord this morning how much I can't believe how strong my marriage to Holly is after how stupid I looked the first two years. Having children has taken our marriage to a level I did not know existed. I thought it would take away some. Not even close. It has brought us even closer together.
Have you ever thought that God may put people in your life for a season but not forever? I am learning about this. It's weird.
I was in the green room this weekend when James Robison was back there. The first thing he said was "Man Preston, that was an awesome deer." Robert had already emailed him the pictures. But then he started talking about how great a father we have in God who loves to give us things we love so much just because we are doing good for no other reason than right is right and not to get anything. That was a gift. It was a fatherly moment with the Lord.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that at 29 that this is what life would look like. I am blessed. We are blessed. You are blessed.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:53 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
You Don't Compare
I spoke to the University of North Texas football team yesterday. It went that point they were 0-5 and I know they were all a little heavy hearted. I spoke about how as athletes we are trained very early on to compare ourselves to others. That's how we determine who's best. But in life this is an extremely dangerous theory.
I do believe God gives us periodic points of reference where he reminds us how blessed we are but I do not think He created us to search for points of comparison. Comparing yourself to others is one of the most miserable ways to live life. Compare yourself to God's standard for you...not to others. You'll feel so much less stress I promise.
I also spoke about being a good teammate...being an armorbearer. Cheering for your teammates. I thought it went well.
I guess I imparted a little extra anointing cause they won their first game this year...or maybe not.
Congrats to the UNT football team. May it be the first of many.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 7:52 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Buck of a Lifetime
It happened. I went hunting Tuesday night after Seven. I hunted Wednesday morning and didn't see much at all. But Wednesday where it all changed. I had 12 bucks at my feeder almost an hour before the feeder went off. But then at 6:45p I had a buck coming in from about 150 yards. I could tell from a distance that he was a possible shooter. He got to 50 yards behind some bushes and I could tell I was going to shoot him if I got a shot. He kept coming in and got to about 35 yards, never slowing down long enough for me to get a shot. Then he scared off all of the other deer...he even scared himself. Out of nowhere he ran away back the way he came. I could see him through the brush and he didn't run too far so I went to full draw and waited for him to come back within range. Then in a flash...he did. He came back. I was shaking like a wobbly piece of jello. The thing looked huge. It happened so fast that I couldn't even see any thing about the deer. I could tell without a doubt that he was a deer that I would not hesitate to take. He got to 21 yards and I took step one to getting the meat in the freezer. Big buck down. I got out of my blind and heard him go down very quickly. Went to pick up my cousin and we came back and found him. He only went about 45 yards. The rough score of the deer ended up being 178 5/8. In other words, the deer of a lifetime.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 8:09 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Quick Hits
-How many will be drinking the Romo Red Koolaid now?
-My fantasy team is rolling...but has a ton of bye week players next week.
-How bout them Cowboys?
-Been reading the notes from Catalyst thanks to many blogs I keep up with. I missed it on that one.
-Brad is speaking tomorrow night. Praying for him. He'll do great.
-Bears take down soup for you Favre.
-Speaking for University of North Texas football team this weekend. That'll be fun.
-Sorry for Joe Torre. He's out for sure in New York.
-I love a challenge.
-With God on my side I like my chances.
-Don't put a period where God puts a comma. How bout them apples?
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:43 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
You Have It Easy
Just read this article titled "Prominent Palestinian Christian Activist Found Dead on Gaza City Street" at,2933,299969,00.html.
We have it easy. No bullets flying my way. Perspective please. Ayyad left two young children and a pregnant wife. He loved Jesus. Bless his family. Provide for them beyond their wildest dreams. Visit them. Protect your people from evil.
I have it easy.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:38 PM
put me in Coach
Things can change in a moment. Love your wife. Love your kids. Love God. Love family. Love the people around you.
People are hurting all around you. I don't get paid to reach people...I get paid to help people reach people. But as a believer I have been commissioned to reach people no matter what I get paid to do. I have a list. A list that I have told the Lord no matter what he uses me to do in church, no matter how big the biggest group I ever preach to is, that if I can be used to reach these people, to help them, to minister to them, to love on them, to answer them, to direct them, to show them, to remind them, to clean up after them, to hang with them, to pursue them...if I can be used to reach these people, no matter what else happens in my life in ministry, I would see me life as an overwhelming success.
I think it's time. I have been sowing for years in two out of three of these. It may be time to check the soil. My burden has increased. My heart has increased. My thoughts are increasing. I want a shot. Not sure what to do but I want a shot.
The funny thing is how different this is from how I was in college. I wanted the shot cause I wanted the credit.
Now, I have such a burden for this person that I would do almost anything to see it happen. Don't care who gets the credit I just want to do what I can. I want to be used. I want to do my part and beg God to do his.
I need God to move. I need Him to do what only he can do. I need a miracle. Please Lord. Please. Do what you have to but protect. Allow it but assign help. Change everything. Take the pain. Take the junk. Take the excuses. Reveal the love. Reveal the help. Reveal the blessings. Rebuke the thief. Guard against the one who seeks to kill. Do not allow destruction. I know you're up to something. I know it. It is no coincidence. Use Holly and I. We love them. We care for them. Not nearly as much as you do.
Teach me something I can't learn from anyone else. Teach me something I couldn't get in college. Show me what I can do. Point me in the right direction. Don't let Holly and I get in the way. Do what you do best. Put me in Coach.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 8:50 PM
Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda
I should have gone to Catalyst. This is the last year I don't go. Even if I pay my own way, I won't miss next year.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 4:08 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Love My Spot
I'm so grateful for the gift of being the head of my home. I love sitting in this seat. I picked up a dvd system for Holly's new car and you would have thought I bought a movie theatre the way the kids reacted. It's so cool to be in the position that we are in. We're rich. We don't think that we are but we are. We are afraid to admit it but we are rich. We all are. We always want to make more, have more, acquire more...but the fact remains that chances are you are rich. I'll talk more about this as this is what my next series is about. Don't take this the wrong way but you're rich. Start acting like it. Love every minute of it and steward it with all that is in you. I can't wait to start this series. Hold on to your hats.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:12 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
It's an Honor
I've spent the day with my kids today. We got an early start as Holly had a doctor's appointment at 8:30a. I learned something worth noting for the rest of my kids want to be just like me. Rylie and Tyler spent all day trying to do everything I do. I loved it. I was working out and doing push-ups on the table and Tyler started doing it and wouldn't stop all day. He thinks it's cool...he even grunts. What an honor it is to have children that want to be like daddy. I can only imagine how honored God feels when I try to be just like him. Great day.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:23 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Just Do It
How great does it feel to take good care of the Lord's temple? Holly and I have been getting back into shape now that she knows that the "childbirthing" phase of life is behind us...okay it's really just behind her cause I would just show up for the birth and she did all the work.
I feel much more energy during my day. I sleep better. I get more done. I eat better. It's all better.
Beyond that though the biggest thing I enjoy about being in great shape is that I feel a sense of pride in the care of His temple. I take it very seriously. I enjoy the feeling that comes with good stewardship...whether it is my money, my time, my relationships, my opportunities, or my body.
It's just me, my iPod, and a bottle of green tea. Holla!
Posted by Preston Morrison at 3:46 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Back to the Basics
Had a meeting with someone today that had one goal for our time...outintellect me. He actually communicated that to me. He had sent an email to Pastor Robert and was directed to me so when he realized he wasn't getting the senior pastor I guess he thought he was above meeting with me. That's's not the first time and probably won't be the last. He had a list of questions for me that ranged from soteriology to everything end times and several things in between.
Let me say this. When I was in college I thought that I was there to get theological training...and to an extent I was there for that...but I wasn't there to turn answers into ammunition. I wasn't there to accumulate knowledge. I was there to acquire wisdom. What's the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Knowledge is knowing something and wisdom is doing something with it.
The meeting today ended well. But there were some things coming out of my mouth that hadn't in a while. What if every time Rylie was in my presence she asked me deep questions? Some questions that had nothing to do with our relationship. Some questions that would not change one thing about her everyday life and how she lived it. What if it was all she would talk about? It would hurt my relationship with her.
I think the same is true of God. I'll never have all the answers. Neither will you. The moment you have all the answers will be the moment you never have need for faith again. Don't see that happening. So put relationship first not knowledge. Who really cares how much I know if I never do anything with it?
Grateful for my meeting today. It was a great reminder.
P.S.- I'm back.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 8:46 PM
Feel Good Moment of the Day
I love feeling like I am doing what I was created to do. I feel like I'm hitting my stride again. I've had about a 7 week period of I don't know what but I feel like as I move back into my upcoming series that I am hitting my stride. I'm passionate again. I can't wait to start the next series. There's nothing like having a burden to give away. I can't preach any other way. I am excited about what is on my plate right now. Let's get it on. Some of the ideas we are having for the next 4 series are pretty creative. It is cool watching this stuff unfold. Just glad to be here.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:09 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Hit Me Up
The cowboys are rolling.
People are drinking the Romo koolaid right now.
The deer lease was great this weekend.
No big deer and no new ones to put on the wall.
Bought Holly a Suburban this weekend...may be the first good decision I've made on a car ever.
Stock market had a great day today...been a great year there.
Nokia bought Navtek and it sent my Garmin reeling 10%.
It's okay for my Garmin...I'm still up 146%.
Preston Samuel is getting so big.
Holly is inspiring me to get back into great shape. I love how serious she is about fitness right now.
Think about starting a series next March called Last Words...and we bring in Pastor Robert and some others and they preach the message as if it were the last of their life. This has serious potential. Have some good ideas on this one.
Already planning my 30th birthday.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:29 PM