Thursday, March 12, 2009


There's something in life that I have absolutely no respect (or tolerance) is criticism with no commitment. Do you realize how easy it is to be negative? Very easy. It is even easier to criticize with absolutely no equity in what you are criticizing. We criticize things we have no stake of equity in all the time...commercials, lousy products, bad meals, friends' churches, each other.

Here's what I have learned while at Gateway over the last 9 years...people will criticize something God is miraculously doing. There will never be a time where everything you do makes every single person happy. As a leader, you need to be okay with that.

Here's what I used to do...someone would criticize what I was doing and I would completely change what I was doing for them, whether it was the Lord or not. You know what you call that? People pleasing. What's really great is when you change what they wanted hoping it will appease them and they are still not happy with you. Save yourself the trouble...hear God's instruction more than you hear man's deconstruction.

Hear my heart on this, I am not saying that all criticism is bad. I have received some great criticism from even oh, say, a spiritual father, that has completely changed the way I do ministry for the better. Criticism can be a powerful tool for growth...when it comes from someone committed to you.

Here's how I would sum this up in a one-liner...

Spend more time listening to "family members" with a different perspective or opinion than you do listening to non-committed critics.

For those being criticized, don't tune out your critics...they might be right once in a while.

For those that make a habit of non-committed criticism, be careful what and who you criticize because if they're wise, they'll ask you what you are doing about it. :)