I have been thinking a lot about our elected officials lately. Don't be ignorant to the issues or the candidates. God uses our elected officials to lead our cities, our states, our country...but he uses us to elect them. Know what's going on around you. I personally don't care who you vote for...just hear the Lord as you do your research. Would you marry somebody you knew nothing about? Then don't vote for someone you know nothing about. Get informed. Vote.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We made it to post #100. It took less than three months to get here. Hope you find this in some way beneficial or entertaining for your everyday life. If nothing else hopefully listening to my sometimes moronic rants helps you to feel better about your situation.
Here are the stats...
1755 page views
967 visits
161 people
22 states
16 countries
Happy 100th Off Topic.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:36 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Value of Peace
How much is peace worth to you? How much value do you place on it? Do you even know what real peace is? When was the last time you experienced true peace?
All great questions that I have been facing over the past few weeks. There's been a lot rumbling around in me since my trip to Colorado Springs...but really for the past 6 or 7 months.
I haven't been sleeping well. I haven't been eating well. I'm clinching my teeth at night. It's just been a stressful half year. When I was in Colorado I had some time just to be alone, not really even with the Lord, just alone. It was good. It was healthy. But when I got back home I started to realize how ridiculous my stress was to the Lord and to me. There's no reason for it. Absolutely no reason for it. It is all, completely, 100% self-imposed. This is where I am an idiot. I beat myself up. I expect entirely too much too soon. It's very unhealthy.
I started looking at all of God's blessings that surround me...
I am so grateful for my relationship with the Lord. I feel like we've come a long ways in the past two years. I hope it only continues on this path for the rest of my life.
Words cannot express the depth of love I feel for my wife. It gets harder and harder to describe how I feel about her every year. She is the greatest gift the Lord has ever allowed me to enjoy. She inspires me. She protects me. She encourages me more than any person in my life. She is the most incredible mother. I am blessed.
My children. 10 years ago I never could have imagined that this is what my life would look like. Each of my children is responsible for taking me to a new level with the Lord, as a man, as a father, as a husband. They truly enrich my everyday life. They are the best responsibility I have ever been given. I am overwhelmed with love and pride for Rylie, Tyler and Preston.
Our jobs. Holly has been with Pat for over ten years now and I have been with Gateway for over 7. Holly and I say all of the time that we never imagined this is what life would look like at 40, let alone 30. We are blessed beyond finances. I have front row seat to one of the fastest growing churches/church staffs in the country. I have favor with those above me. I have an opportunity to learn at an accelerated pace by watching Pastor Robert do what would take me 10 times as long to learn on my own. God has me in a great place. Holly has a job where she can work at a sustainable pace while she takes care of our kids all day. I am amazed that she continues to keep on keeping on. She has unbelievable favor with her boss...UNBELIEVABLE.
Our friends. We are surrounded by people that we love and who love us. They carry a burden for us. They walk with us. They grow with us. Life would not be the same without those that we love whom we call friends.
I am blessed. I will celebrate not sulk. I will give thanks not gripes. I will seek peace not stress. I choose to look at my life and all that comes with it and rest in the fact that God's hand is on my life and that he has it all figured out. I will follow His plan and not make my own. I will obey and not rebel. I am at peace...for the first time in quite some time...and it feels great.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:25 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
In It's Time
When you're tired, it's time to rest.
When you're full of energy, it's time to move quickly.
When your kids miss you, it's time to stay home.
When you're confident, it's time to test yourself.
When you're afraid, it's time to trust the Lord.
When you're lethargic, it's time to eat.
When you know the answer, it's time to be quiet.
When you're in a bad mood, it's time to be alone.
When you win, it's time to let your game do the talking.
When you're Dennis Franchione, it's time to fire yourself.
When your wife says she likes something, it's time to surprise her.
When you can afford it, it's time to pray about it.
When you want to run from it, it's time to face up to it.
When you're not good at it, it's time to practice it.
When you mess it up, it's time to admit it.
When you're an Aggie fan, it's time to find a new team.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:26 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
You're My Daddy
I was thinking about people who get saved but spend years saying that their not sure if they are really saved.
If one of my kids woke up every morning of their life and asked me if I was their daddy, how would I feel? What would my response be?
I would be hurt after awhile. But I would do everything I could to prove they were mine. But this would not happen. Why? Because my children have accepted the fact that they are mine. They don't look to disprove it. They accept it. Why? Because I'm their daddy.
I wish people would not allow the enemy to confuse them into thinking they never got saved. It's not as hard as we make it and that's part of the problem...people think that if it's not difficult that it didn't work. Nope. Grace is free. Can't even be afforded. Don't try, just receive.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:48 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Even Quicker Hits
If you never had any questions, God couldn’t give the answers.
If there was never any distress, there could be no deliverance.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 6:59 PM
Quick Hits
In the mood for a few quick hits...
I am still the unchallenged ultimate man. (Read earlier posts)
Tough week for the Aggies this week.
Fire Fran.
Golf is not a priority right now. That happened fast. I just don't care that much right now.
Holly and I are playing golf on Sunday. She loves the country club vibe.
Ran 3/4 of a mile in at a 6 min/mile pace. Ran 2 1/2 miles in 20 minutes.
My knees aren't hurting. Very cool.
Took Rylie and Tyler to the jumphouse today. Tyler wasn't to keen on it. Rylie...all in.
My two favorite football teams play this week...Da Bears.
Three numbers, two words, one man...156, opening weekend, me.
Holly is officially a runner. New shoes, new iPod, Nike+ kit. She's run 7 times in 5 days. Run Forest Run.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 6:38 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I love the word tension. Not in the sense that you might first be thinking. Not in the sense of being nervous or feeling awkward. When I think about tension I think about healthy balance. Here are a few healthy tensions I think about most.
Enjoying my money and stewarding my money.
Be passionate about my job and being passionate about going home.
Loving food and loving fitness.
Pleasing people and honoring God.
Getting somewhere fast and abiding by the law.
Loving to watch deer in the wild and loving to eat deer jerky.
Loving life and losing it.
There are so many healthy tensions in life. Tension is everywhere. Balance is not always a strength of mine but the Lord is helping me get there. Typically I am an "all or nothing" kind of guy which can lead to the unhealthy tightrope of imbalance.
On a totally unrelated note, is it bad that when I look at the word tension on my computer screen that it looks like the word venison? We must be a week away from deer season.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:03 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Today's Realization
On most days at some point throughout my day I have some type of "epiphany" moment about some area of my life. Some days the revelation is greater than others and some days it's just a subtle little hint.
Today, there was a pretty strong revelation about myself...
I am too hard on myself. I always have been. It is a problem that needs to be corrected.
But it helps when someone around me points it out. Why? Because if they didn't I would just keep doing it. I have done it for so long that it just seems natural. It almost seems unfaithful to not do it. What a mess. What disillusionment. What an idiot. There I go again.
I am grateful for the people around/above me that are invested in my life that help me steer this ship called my life. This puppy would crash without the help.
So here are the two words for me today..."Lighten up".
Ah the liberation. I can feel it already.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:28 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sweet Spot Pondering
There is definitely something to be said about being in the sweet spot. Don't know what the sweet spot means...here you go. Sweet spot is a golf term that talks about a spot on the golf club where if you hit it right flush in that spot the ball will travel further with less effort. The ball just flies off the clubface.
In life I think this principle applies just as much. I do believe there is a spot where if we live right in that spot we will go further, do more, while it costs us less and uses less energy. It is possible. But where is it?
There is no uniform sweet spot for all of us. We each have a different sweet spot. I want to live there. I want to dwell there. I want to never get far from there.
The great thing about the newest and latest drivers is with every new round of them the sweet spot gets bigger and bigger. In the same way the longer we walk intimately with the Lord the greater the size of the sweet spot for our lives.
With God the sweet spot is less about trying and more about showing up. So show up.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 3:32 PM
Ecclesiastes 7:13
Read a good scripture this morning.
Ecclesiastes 7:13
"Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can make straight what he has made crooked?"
Great verse. Here's what stands out.
Notice: I have to be attentive to God's way. I need to be watching not just participating.
Then: I can't get so caught up in trying to learn his ways that I make that my excuse for not standing in line. Submission, submission, submission.
Don't fight: no point. Why try? It only wastes my energy.
Crooked: Interesting concept. Does God make things crooked? Does He do it for a reason? Is there something He is getting at that requires a less than straight way to get there? Of course. Straight lines don't produce the same type of fruit that curvy lines do. Don't fight it.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:56 AM
Private Education
I don't know if you have any reason to be researching the cost of a private education for a kindergartner but since I have I will enlighten you.
The average cost of private schools in the dfw area for Rylie to attend kindergarten is about $6,000 for one year. That's half of what I paid for one year of college. Does that seem crazy or is it just me? I don't know. Maybe it is well worth it. I am still navigating these waters but with many questions.
Do I want my kids to be in christian school for their formative learning years up to jr. high?
Do I want my kids to be in public school k-5 where it may be safer than jr. and sr. high and then put them in christian school?
Who knows. I'm not sure yet. But I have to begin checking what all is out there for Rylie and the boys.
Just have to keep praying about it.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:12 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
You Have No Idea
I have a new theory. If you are the loudest one in the room, the one who is the first to start talking about something, the one who butts in when someone else is talking, the one who says "I know" all of the time, you most likely know the least about what is going on. If you are the most quiet, the least opinionated, you just may be the one in the room who knows the most about what is going on.
So, if you feel the need to blurt out how much you know or that you were the first to know, remember you are proving your ignorance. Keep it to yourself.
Ask yourself this...who do you trust more: a blurter of information or a keeper of information? Ask yourself this...who would you rather be?
I want the Lord to be able to trust me with the business of his kingdom. I am learning to be quiet.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:51 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Greatest Job on Earth
This has been a great weekend with my kids. There have been lots of monents over the last few days where I was overwhelmed with what an awesome responsibility being a father is. We ended the weekend with the building of a sweet gingerbread house. Let's just say that it looked more like the Griswald Family Christmas Tree...thata girl Rylie...25,000 inported Italian white twinkling lights.
Opening weekend is t minus 13 days.
Holly and I are watching Anchorman right now. I usually enjoy stupid movies but this one has to be one of the dumbest of all time.
Fantasy team got killed this weekend. That's what happens when I rely on someone else to play the games instead of doing it myself.
Stay classy America.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:35 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Rylie and The Lease
Took Rylie to the deer lease this weekend. It was an incredible weekend together. We shot a rabbit and she held the thing without hesitation. I spent most of the weekend riding around the highrack with her thinking how I have dreamt of taking my kids to the lease with me. It truly was a dream weekend with her. Two weeks till opening weekend. Monster buck here I come.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:07 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
This is Chilling
If the events of 9/11 are too much for you to handle do not watch this video. This video is a chilling reminder of what really happened.
Sad does not even come close to describing it.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:07 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tough Question
What is the most important focus in life?
Is it family? Is it employment? Is it people? Is it church? Is it stewardship? What is it?
I think the answer is God's kingdom. I know this sounds general and slightly cheesy but it is a truth that is undeniable.
"Seek first the...wait for it...KINGDOM OF GOD." (Matthew 6:33)
I lose sight of this sometimes but lately I am seeing family, employment, church, stewardship through the context of God's kingdom.
Funny thing happens though when you see everything through the filter of God's kingdom...you see everything differently.
I didn't always understand this but I have been watching it for nearly 30 years now. God's kingdom is at the top of the list...it has to be. Everything get's out of wack when we don't see it that way. Everything get's grey. Everything get's blurry.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:06 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm wiped out. This day started at 3am this morning and will end after midnight. I'm toast.
Great to see my kids and wife today. Tyler was really excited to see me. It's cool to see how they start missing you when you're gone around this age. My kids are a gift from the Lord. Holly is the partner of my dreams.
6 years ago today I was wondering how we would go forward from the attacks. It was a day that changed many lives. I can't imagine the hurt and pain the families felt and still may be feeling. Cowards. That's who flies a plane into a building...an absolute moran. It's evil pure and simple. That day was absolutely horrific. I pray it never ever happens again.
Pray for the families effected by the September 11 attacks. Can you remember several thousand family members posting the missing flyers hoping their loved ones would come home. I don't even want to think about it. It hurts too much. I wnat to think about all of the people who dropped what they were doing and drove to New York to help in whatever way theu could. I want to think about those who picked up a burden for our freedom and immediately enlisted to fight for my freedom. I'll think about that...not the evil that started it.
What a country. What freedom. What a blessing.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 11:22 PM
How do you handle changes of plan? What is your response when you were planning on one thing and something else happens? Usually I don't do very well. I get frustrated. I think I'm doing better though as I add years to my life. Yesterday my flight was cancelled due to weather and I had to stay in Colorado Springs for the night. If you have been reading this blog recently you know that I am in stewardship mode so when I tell you that I stayed at a Motel 6 last night where I locked the door and locked and loaded you won't be surprised. I spent $100 bucks in 4 days (counting the stupid $22 tax for my rental car) and when I found out I was going to be forced to stay another night at my expense I was determined to go low. $33 for the minivan, $10.50 for mandatory fuel fee under 75 miles driven, $9 for dinner at Fazoli's, $5.75 to see Transformers (more about this later) and a whopping $40.45 for the bedbug offering, "well used", no wifi Motel 6. I spent $100 in 4 days and then had to spend that much in a day...gross. Surprisingly enough I wasn't upset. Even Holly noticed and made a comment about it. Maybe, just maybe I am making some progress.
Alright enough about that stuff. Transformers. Spectacular. I'm a dork I know but I used to love Transformers when I was a kid. I had three different Optimus Prime trucks. I loved it. The movie really was pretty cool.
I won my fantasy game this week. It was close. Came down to the last 3 minutes of the last game. Good start. Addai for President.
It has been a great weekend here but I'm ready to get home...hopefully my plane boards in 20 minutes like it is supposed to.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 6:27 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Called It
Apple just announced they sold the millionth iPhone. They'll sell another million by Christmas. Stock is surging. Here we go.
In unrelated news...
Thanks to the weather in Dallas I may not get out of the Springs tonight. Great.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 2:09 PM
This Weekend
This weekend class was in session. I'll spend a long, long time processing with the Lord, talking with the Lord, asking of the Lord, everything I have learned and witnessed this weekend. Words don't do what God teaches justice. God is gracious. Glad I'm heading home to see my incredible wife and my beautiful children. What a weekend. New Life is a great church and God is no doubt doing something here.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:44 AM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Seeing Brady Set In
Quick Thoughts...
I don't like Starbucks anymore...it's a fad...their coffee stinks. Can anyone say Bon Giorno?
There's no one I'd rather be than me. What a seat I get to sit in.
Authority is God's design. Submission is His plan.
Ross is the real deal. He's built an incredible team.
Submitting to God's process will always beat out creating your own. Brady did this well for seven years.
It is God how New Life has accepted Brady. Amazing to watch.
There's real, there's fake, there's try, and there's do. Brady has stepped into a whole new anointing. He's not having to try...God is doing it...this is what it should look like.
Our elders have handled this incredibly. Authority I gladly submit to.
God's kingdom is very, very big.
God is alive and unfathomably active.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 7:15 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Take It For Granted
So I have spent nearly 10 hours at Panera in the last 36 hours and I just realized something about myself.
Between the ages of 15 and 21 I held jobs as a driving range ball-picker-upper/mower/register boy, busboy at a Mexican resturant, weightroom monitor, overnight security guard for an apartment complex (this was absolutely the most idiotic decision I have ever made...$8/hour...work all night...quit after 3 weeks when I heard a gunshot...horrible neighborhood...Phoenix equivalent of South Dallas...yes I am an idiot), campus security (top 3 best jobs...lots of overtime worked here), valet and bellman at the Arizona Biltmore, church youth intern.
I remember working in college at different places and when I was not busy doing something my mind would drift off to my dream of one day being paid to study the word, preach, minister to people. I thought of it often in those days. Even at the Biltmore where it was a spectacular job I would still get frustrated about not being in ministry. I sometimes forget what it was like to not be in ministry. After 7 years I have spent more time in ministry than I did working outside of it. As I watch the people working here change out the trash, get reprimanded by their manager, get short with customers, I am reminded of how miserable I was.
I am grateful. I have an incredible job. In my twenties it is a dream job. I get paid generously. I get paid to study, to preach, to walk with people and minister to them. This is the job I always dreamt of. Full-time ministry is a gift. I forget that sometimes.
Thank you Lord.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 4:38 PM
Isn't This What Church Is?
I just ran across something on the net. It's a coffee place in Kirkland, Washington. Wow, a coffee place close to Seattle, Pres you came up with a huge discovery. Curb the sacrasm shorty. There's something different about this little "coffee place".
Terra Bite Lounge is a "voluntary payment" cafe. That's right if you don't want to pay you don't have to. In fact on their website they make this statement "We also cheerfully serve those who cannot pay, in a non-stigmatizing customer setting, with no political or religious message, and with full-time availability."
The owner of Terra Bite says this about why they do voluntary payment "Terra Bite is not only an experiment into the level of public honesty, it is also a visible demonstration of that high level of honesty."
Interesting concept for a business. They don't make a killing, they just break even. But it's not because they can't turn a profit. It's because they choose to share the profit with the baristas. Wow.
I know this seemed to be a great social study on the level of honesty but this little business model has been employed by the church for centuries. That's why less than a third of the church tithes...because no one will know if they don't.
Cool way to prove a point though for Terra Bite.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 3:29 PM
I had every intention of taking a little jog this morning. I thought I'd do just a little something nothing outrageous...a little 5k.
How about a little .5m? The altitude is a beast. It was so bad my teeth started hurting. I know, I'm a weenie, it's okay. I'm serious, I felt like I couldn't even make it a mile. It turned in to a sightseeing stroll in the Garden of the Gods. It is beautiful up there.
I'm sure there was a great post somewhere about preparation or climitization or something profound like that but I was hurting too bad to think that deep. So here it is...altitude stinks.
The sad thing was I was thinking about running in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure tomorrow morning before church. It's just a 5k but it goes through the Garden of the Gods. I thought it would be a nice stroll. Well, after this morning...nice stroll my behind. It would take me 35 minutes to finish a 5k in this altitude. I'm officially withdrawing from the race without ever registering.
Have I mentioned that altitude stinks.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 2:29 PM
theMill and more
Just got back from New Life's young adults group. Enjoyed it. They've got to be one of the largest young adults groups in the country. Not too many differences between theMill and Seven other than attendance, for now. They go about twice as long as we do but it's a little different feel so it seems to reach their audience just fine. Worship about 6 songs and 45 minutes. Message about 20 Scripture passages and an hour long. I like Aaron's style...easy delivery easy to receive. He reads Scriptures from his cell phone...it worked. Seeing them in their room actually made me look forward to us getting into ours. Atmosphere is huge. I have spent the last 6 months since we have been down in the sanctuary convincing myself that atmosphere really doesn't matter...wrong, for this generation it completely matters. I really wasn't there to critique, just wanted to maybe learn something and be inspired. After their service I am. They do a lot of great stuff and will no doubt continue to reach many of my generation in this area. I'll be praying for them.
Miss my wife, miss my kids. It's been great studying today. Spent about 4 hours at Panera studying...had a blast, got on a roll.
Got some great one-liners for the series in 6 weeks. Lot of great scripture. Can't wait for this one.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:24 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
It's Official
I just landed in Colorado Springs about an hour ago and I have made an important life determination...no more traveling alone. From here on out I will take at least one of the kids with me if Holly is unable to go. I can't operate this way. I'm not single, I don't think single, I don't live single, I don't ever want to go back to that way.
I will say this though...I got more revelation in the hour and a half plane ride than I have gotten for any series in the last two months. Good way to start the trip.
Excited to see the way New Life reaches my generation tonight at theMill.
Excited to see how things go with Brady on Sunday.
Maybe I'll get lucky and Jared Anderson will lead worship on Saturday night.
I'm sure many posts are coming over the next 3 days. Until then.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 1:16 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Reason #4,627
This morning in an article featured in USA Today, Apple CEO Steve Jobs was quoted as saying this in response to a question about what he would say to people who bought the iPhone early on "That's technology," Jobs responded. "If they bought it this morning, they should go back to where they bought it and talk to them. If they bought it a month ago, well, that's what happens in technology."
By 2pm his tune had changed a little. In an open letter to Apple customers, Jobs said this..."Even though we are making the right decision to lower the price of iPhone, and even though the technology road is bumpy, we need to do a better job taking care of our early iPhone customers as we aggressively go after new ones with a lower price. Our early customers trusted us, and we must live up to that trust with our actions in moments like these. Therefore, we have decided to offer every iPhone customer who purchased an iPhone from either Apple or AT&T, and who is not receiving a rebate or any other consideration, a $100 store credit towards the purchase of any product at an Apple Retail Store or the Apple Online Store. Details are still being worked out and will be posted on Apple's website next week. Stay tuned."
This is why I love Apple. You gotta take care of your base...your most faithful. If you lose them what do you have?
Personally I was not expecting any sort of rebate. I was not mad at all. But after the rebate I was ecstatic. Read a great quate in an article about this...
The real mark of a genius isn't that they don't make mistakes -- it's how they recover when they do. That'll preach.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:42 PM
A Look Ahead
We spent some time planning the next 16 months for Seven...here are the highlights...
Winter Retreat this year in November.
5k Fun Run to raise money for missions.
Flag football league starts in a month.
Ski trip in January '08.
Spring Retreat in April/May '08.
Missions trip to Egypt summer '08.
Missions trip to Mexico summer '08.
6 guest speakers from all over the country (this is going to be HUGE)(names to be revealed soon)
I haven't been this excited about what is happening at Seven since before we started it.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 7:01 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
If Is a Powerful Word
If God knows what he is doing why do I get uptight about the future?
If God knows what he is doing why do I doubt?
If God knows what he is doing why do I try and help his process?
If God can be trusted why won't I let go of it?
If God can be trusted why won't I give them to him?
If God can be trusted why won't I "walk on water"?
If God is for me why am I afraid?
If God is for me why do I focus on my opponent?
If God is for me why don't I move with more confidence?
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:50 PM
Apple News
Big news from Apple today. Here are the highlights...
Bigger iPod nano screen.
Wifi iPods.
Wireless iTunes.
NoniPhone iPhone 8gb and 16gb called the iPhone Touch. HUGE!
iPod Classis goes 80gb and 160gb. Wow!
4gb iPhone killed.
8gb iPhone price slashed fromn $599 to $399. Already bought Holly one.
Ringtones for iPhone. Big.
If a church ever learned to market like Apple...I'd go there.
Stock is down because of the iPhone news...the margin was already HUGE...they didn't need to make that much per phone...they just need to sell more phones. Stock will be down for a little but a quarter from now it will be up 20-50%. AAPL at the close today was at 136 and change. It'll be $180 by Feb. 1, 2008.
Love me some Apple.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 4:55 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
What's Your Perspective?
Marcus spoke this morning in chapel. It was good. Some things he said got me thinking about some things I'm walking through right now.
When you look at your life and the direction it is presently heading, how do you see it? When you think about how you are doing, how do you judge it? There are really only two perspectives about the progress you are making in life..."Man, I really have come a long way since then" or "I really have a long way to go before I get there".
Which do you say? Where are you?
I'm both. I struggle with both. I do well with both. If I had to nail it down though the one I struggle with most is "I really have a long way to go before I get there". No matter how good things are going I tend to see how much further I have to go than how far I have come. This can be good in that it motivates you to continue on and climb higher...this can be bad in that the pain of growth can seem to be too great to be worth going on.
Growth is painful. Stretching hurts. If one tries to say that growth is painless they're either not growing or they are trying to convince everyone that they don't feel pain.
I try to never get too high but sometimes I run the risk of never getting high enough to get above the low. What does God want? He wants me to celebrate my progress humbly. But how sad is it if I am never able to celebrate what God has done in me, through me, with me? How sad is it to Him as a father?
So today I celebrate. I think I'll start here...once I was lost but know I am found...10 years ago I was single, not a father, not in ministry, getting paid 2/3 less than now, struggling with tithing, broken heart from a bad relationship, had little in the well to preach with...we've come a long way in 10 years...imagine 10 years from now!
That's perspective. I am amazed by you Lord.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:24 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Outta Commission
We just got back from my parents lake house.
Rylie caught her first fish.
Moose and Maggie ran and ran and ran.
We had a great time of rest and relaxation.
Good times for 36 hours.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 9:21 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Crazy 1:00am Thought
I just had a random thought...
What would it be like if I took the same approach to guests at Seven and Gateway as I did when I was a bellman at the Biltmore? Why haven't I ever thought about this before?
When I was a bellman I was the epitome of service and hospitality.
I wouldn't tell you where it was I would take you there.
I wouldn't leave you to figure it out I would figure it out for you.
I saw every person as if they had never been to our hotel before. The spiel wasn't a spiel. It was the real deal.
Tips weren't what motivated me...being known for good service was what motivated me.
I took pride in exceeding expectations.
And if Nicolas Cage needed a 6 course lobster lunch delivered an hour away from the hotel...then Nicolas Cage got a 7 course lunch delivered no matter where he was filming his movie.
I think if I took the same approach to working at church as I did when I was an employee of the Arizona Biltmore I would no doubt be a better pastor. I think if I took the same approach to reaching lost people that I would reach a whole lot more.
Random but relevant. That may be a usable tag line for off topic. Not bad...not bad at all.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:50 AM
Great Qoute
Just got done reading a Q & A with Bob Russell, former senior pastor of Southest Christian Church. Read an interesting quote...
"Learn to keep the big picture. 95% of Southeast Christian Church is great. 5% is not so hot. In fact, 1% is downright nasty. My challenge as a leader was that 50% of my time was spent on correcting the 5% that wasn’t right, and I could lose the big picture. Step back periodically and see how God is blessing and give thanks. One of the reasons Ronald Reagan was an effective president is that he could deal with the most awful problems and yet be positive about how great a country America is. The preacher has to remind members of all the wonderful things God is doing even though we are confronted daily with disappointments."
Great quote.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 12:12 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Having What You Need
I had to fix a bad tire on my truck today and had some thoughts about being prepared that came from not having exactly what I needed to fix the tire myself.
You can do it without having exactly what you need...it will just take longer to do it.
You can do it without having exactly what you need...it just may hurt to make it happen.
Don't force it on your own. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Think through what you are doing before you leave to do it...having almost everything you need is not enough.
Not having what you need makes everything you do have seem useless.
Once you obtain what you need you'll always have it if you take care of it.
What needs to be done never seems as difficult once you start doing it.
You can do it.
Posted by Preston Morrison at 10:12 PM